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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Improving Maths (presentation only)

Improving Maths (presentation only)

Attached is a look at how to improve Maths throughout a whole primary school. Through the mastery powerpoint you will be given insight into research that looks at how schools can deliver a mastery approach for all children. This will include examples of how to use these through methods I have used myself. To find plans, resources and more information about the Singapore Bar you can follow this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/improving-maths-11255493
P.E and Sport Premium funding

P.E and Sport Premium funding

A Powerpoint that looks at how to use the P.E and Sport Premium funding efficiently. It introduces the aims of the funding before providing different ideas of how the funding could be used whilst making sure that it is an efficient use. This includes looking at the use of coaches, working collaboratively and equipment before then discussing the importance of monitoring and how to ensure measureable impact.
Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy

Five of the key parts of Bloom's Taxonomy. For each one there is a brief introduction of what it looks like for children, key words that can be used to check how children are performing against it and then actions and outcomes for each one.
KS2 Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas - History Based Topics

KS2 Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas - History Based Topics

A list of ideas for planning cross-curricular lessons based around a history topic. Included are ideas of how this could be linked to English, D.T, Art, Science, History, Geography, Music and Computer Science. Areas included so far: Battle of Britain Nottingham - A local history study
Digital Media Unit of Work

Digital Media Unit of Work

Six fully planned and resourced lessons for upper KS2 looking at different aspects of digital media and their content. Lessons include looking at staying safe online and finding report functions, looking at information on the internet and whether it is completely factual or not, the importance of copyright and respecting it followed by referencing sources accurately from the internet, in addition to being able to use search engines effectively.
AfL Lesson Resources

AfL Lesson Resources

Six sets of different resources to quickly check pupils understanding during lessons. Included are instructions about what they are/ potential ways they can be used to check understanding. Simply print, laminate and use them to get a quick visual snapshot of where your children are at.
Christmas Activities

Christmas Activities

A range of activities related to Christmas/ to help keep children focussed nearer the holidays. These include: An acrostic poem activity for the word Christmas Christmas Bingo Christmas Colouring Sheets Christmas Coordinates - Identify where the pictures are on the grid Define Christmas Words Adjective activities - Think of adjectives to describe the Christmas Tree, Santa or a Reindeer The Christmas Truce Poem with three differentiated sets of questions and answers included A definition activity for the poem Santa Dash - Plan the quickest way around the world for Santa Comma Claus - Identify where the commas should go Claus Clauses - Identify and add different clause structures to sentences to improve writing Three sets of storyboards - Can be used for a range of ideas but created with the Nativity story in mind - Find a great example through Lego here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nativity-story-3009639 Facts for Christmas around the world with three differentiated sets of questions and answers included
Remembrance Day activities

Remembrance Day activities

Included are a number of resources that can be used ahead of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Included are: A PowerPoint that looks at how Remembrance Day began and why we 'celebrate' it. It also looks at Remembrance Sunday and why we have the poppy as our symbol. A PowerPoint that introduces World War One, looking at why it started, who was involved and how many people died as a result A reading comprehension based on 'In Flanders Field' with three sets of differentiated questions and answers included A definition activity that gets children to practise using dictionaries whilst defining words from 'In Flanders Field' Instructions and templates for making a poppy A look at the controversy regarding England and Scotland being told by FIFA that they can't wear poppy armbands and three different activity ideas following an introduction to the story - Write a letter to FIFA, class debate or newspaper article regarding the story A sample of a reading comprehension that includes a fact file about Remembrance Day and questions related to this.
Sports and P.E Premium Funding

Sports and P.E Premium Funding

An academic poster that explores routes of how to spend the sport premium to ensure that the impact is felt in school years after the funding has stopped. Created over three years ago, but still relevant in terms of ensuring outstanding physical education across schools and ensuring that funding is spent in a sustainable manner.
Stories to link English and History

Stories to link English and History

A list of stories that link History and English together. This certainly isn't a comprehensive list but gives a good start to finding stories that link to historical topics. Topics include: Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt, with Prehistoric stories included Vikings and the Middle Ages 16th and 17th Century 18th and 19th Century 1900-1939 World War Two and Post-War Britain U.S.A History
2017 Key Stage Two Maths Breakdown (Questions split in to age groups)

2017 Key Stage Two Maths Breakdown (Questions split in to age groups)

A breakdown of all the questions from the KS2 2017 Maths papers, split in to the various year group strands they have come from. Some questions overlap as they share curriculum strands from two different year groups. Included is also a breakdown of the questions in statistical form to show what each year group contributed in terms of marks. These are useful for sharing with staff in KS2 to show the types of questions children are expected to do for each year group as well as breaking questions down if people wish to practise easier or more challenging questions.
Order of operations display poster (BIDMAS)

Order of operations display poster (BIDMAS)

A display poster for the order of operations (BIDMAS) that shows the order operations should be completed in as well as giving a little information for each such as what to do if number sentences are just multiplication and divisions.
Year 5 Writing Moderation grids

Year 5 Writing Moderation grids

Three Year 5 grids for below, at and expected standard for writing. These have been based on the national curriculum expectations as well as using the current interim Year 6 documents as a starting point for creating them.
Peer Marking Code English

Peer Marking Code English

A simple set of letters that can be used as a peer marking code for children to use when assessing others writing. These are basic but are effective for getting children to consider the key elements of the writing and being able to mark it quickly and effectively. They could also be used for staff to mark writing with children then responding to these to improve their own, whilst saving time writing lengthy comments.
Emergency One Off Cover Lessons (Supply Teacher Aid Kit)

Emergency One Off Cover Lessons (Supply Teacher Aid Kit)

Included are one off lessons/ starter resources that can be used in those times where someone isn't in/ if you're a supply teacher who hasn't been left any planning. These are aimed at Key Stage Two, particularly for 5/6 with more lessons added as it develops.


A PowerPoint that gives a brief introduction to the issue of littering. This is useful for an assembly or discussion in class as it focuses on what littering is and some of the significant issues that come about from littering. To finish, there is a link to a video that looks at removing rubbish from canals because of how plastic is making it to the oceans.
Back to School: Classroom Rules

Back to School: Classroom Rules

An activity made for the start of the new school year. This activity is made to get children to think about rules that they think are important as classroom rules. There are 15 different rules that children will need to cut out. In groups, get children to pick the five rules they think are most important, getting them to justify why they think they are the five most important. This can then lead in to a classroom discussion looking at each groups selection and getting them to discuss why they picked them. These can also be used to then create the class rules for the year if their is a clear set of favourite rules or by voting on each one.
Mini History Skill Sessions

Mini History Skill Sessions

Attached are mini-skill sessions for History. These are 30 minute sessions planned for mixed Year 5/6 children but are easily adaptable to Year 7. Each week a new session will be added that looks at a particular skill or area of knowledge that is then followed up by a differentiated mini-activity/ assessment activity for children to complete. 1st session - Time - Look at the different ways of judging time, ordering these before then looking at a timeline. Finish by looking at the years that make each Century. 2nd session - Sources - Looking at the difference between primary and secondary sources as well as then briefly looking at bias and getting children to look at example sources. 3rd session - Sources - Analysing sources for validity and also what they literally show us and what we can infer from them. 4th session - Sources - Analysing sources with prompt sheets to help children. 5th session - Chronology - Being able to place events in chronological order on a timeline/ consider when events may have happened.
Science Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas

Science Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas

A document that provides examples of how you can ensure science is being delivered across the curriculum in KS2. The document is divided into scientific strands and then ideas of how other subjects can meet some of the objectives within the strand. It is by no means a complete list of ideas but is designed to be a starting point to support science across the curriculum.